Sunday, June 10, 2012







  1. Whoa. That's a pretty deep cut. You guys certianly sludge deep into the bowels of hisstank. Better you than me. And really ICON? Lol indded.

  2. "I.C.O.N. is comprised of World-Wide, Elite members of the Hisstank Community"

    The exact words i would use to describe Blade.


  3. Because I was threatened over PM by Blade with a slander suit, I'll only state my opinion from now on. It is of my opinion that he is a fucking moron. It is not a proven fact, simply my opinion.

    1. We've been working diligently to prove the substance of this hypothesis and now feel confident in stating that your supposition is fundamentally sound and unimpeachable. Our calculations have proven within a factor of 0.00001% that Blade is, in fact, a total fucking moron.

    2. Watch it RuckusJr


      Blade is an expert at interwebz lawyering, and he'll sue you. He'll sue you so hard. So. Hard.

  4. ICON needs to be updated to ICANT. As in ICANT summon enough intelligence to spell correctly.

  5. I really dont believe any of you can be this immature? The bulk of your day is spent harrasing people on the internet? don't you people have lives?

    1. It's H-A-R-A-S-S-I-N-G

      If you are going to be a dick and harass us Josh, at least take 5 seconds and use spell check. Take pride in what you post!

    2. If you people here warranted such care maybe I would...but its quite clear that none of you have any respect to leave other people be so why should I care if my grammar is somewhat off...that'd be like giving the titanic a fresh coat of paint.

    3. Yes, your posts are slowly sinking,

      LOL Josh. LOL.

    4. Much like your relevance and the relevance of this site has? HAHA Sarcasmo...HAHA

    5. I guess these people only warrant you hitting refresh on your browser over and over again, sitting for hours waiting for someone to reply to you so you can tell them they have no life. You win Josh!

  6. I'm writing down names and will be filing a suit against all of you for hurting my feelings! I hope you're ready to hear from my lawyer, Mr. Sarcasmo and Scientists!

  7. This troll site has officially jumped the shark.

  8. yeah, its just rehash after rehash, i think they ran out of new ideas a week ago....R.I.P.LOLHISSTANK


  10. Yes, and we the collective look forward to bringing many lulz at lolbra's expense, unfortunately lolhisstank is just the same old comments over and over, with the same 8 hashtag swear's. For goodness sake, be entertaining, come up with something

    1. Your talking points are boring. This blog must be really getting to you guys to put forth so much effort.


  12. nothing gets to us we are the collective we are only here to LOL@LOLHISSTANK : )

  13. JoeCon is going to be so much fun this year!

  14. just don't give money to kop for con sets and we will all have a heck of a fun time........rofl

    1. LOLCommander = Kingofpain26

      Who else would want to create such a big distraction this close to the con?

      He'll be LOLing all the way back to his park bench with everyone's money!

  15. true that, kop = grease stained T-shirt joecon ambassador sash wearing park bench err um i mean theterrordrome dweller..................i think i just laughed so hard a pee'd a little.

    Now that is some original content there lolbra should take some notes

    1. King of Pain is the biggest piece of garbage this community has ever been graced with. I hope one day he gets what he's given.

    2. Lolbra is too focused on hisstank, they're missing all of the best lulz.

      But never fear, Sarcasmo is here!

  16. did you get that lolbras? #greasy #joeconambassador #thief #theterrordrome frequenter

    just want to be sure you are taking copious notes.

    1. LOLHT should do a special edition of their programming about how RaShawn Seams has refused to pay people back hundreds of dollars for being rude to him on-line. I bet he and Blade would get along nicely, which says tons about their nature. It could be like a "60 Minutes" investigation/LOLHT blog post. ^,^

    2. No we wouldnt get along. I havent ripped off shittons of people and ran liek a coward. that fucker still owes me money for shit i never got.

    3. Wait, time out. Blade, KOP ripped you off too?! This motherfucker gets AROUND. He's like that guy you find out signed every band from 1950 to 1990. XD

    4. yah regardless of what the dipwits here wanan comment yah KOP took me for a large chunk of change. And i honestly give a shit less anymore about what these idiots post but when they start using reall ife things like names and locations....thats when shit gets real. and that has been done here.

    5. That's ridiculous. Before you move onto your defamation case, you should take that Boston scum to small claims. He's gotten away with too much to be as bold as he is to show his face at Joecon.

  17. I do love how this site actually allows dissenting opinions and the ability for others to say it is not funny or hack... or any other sentiment that lets the true trolls feel like they are still the masters of their infinitesimal portion of the internet universe. I can only imagine how much it must eat away at them that they can no; screen, delete and alter comments here. Like on their main site, or the even sadder extension of riplolhisstank site that requires all commenters to log in and have their comments approved before they can be posted. I know nursery schools that allow more freedom. Not that they're not doing that to track IP addresses and find out who lol commander is. Oh you guys!

  18. Heck just call it theterrordrome members special edition, they can do a segment on Kingofpain26, one on Wizard and one on WildWeasel......they can call it loltheterrordrome....LULZ

    1. If you were really hisstank you would have just cut and pasted your comment from someone else's. And probably had an equal ratio of misspellings to "hasblows"

  19. you cought us our bad, you forgot to mention we would have hashtagged the same 6 swear words over and

    1. Someone that made it past 4th gradeJune 10, 2012 at 11:59 PM


  20. What is the point of R.I.PLOLHT? XD To highlight the posts LOLHT makes and then make a dull comment about it? I somehow feel it might not be the knockout punch you guys think it is. It still showcases how dumb so many HT users are.

    It's like a Conservative getting back at me for handing Liberal pamphlets out by handing out the same pamphlets but with the words "This is lame!" written somewhere On the blank space at the bottom. XD

    1. I believe their mission statement is to show how butt-hurt and unfunny mods of a website can be when they can't control all of cyberspace. And finally realizing how weak and pathetic they actually are. Life was so good in that bubble! Shut this site down so they can get back in there!

  21. its ying and yang, eventually everyone will get bored with the whole thing and move on to something else that is our longterm goal ;)

    1. But until then, let the good times lol!

    2. ...It's YIN and yang, you idiot.

      Why is it that everyone who is opposed to the idea of LOLHT is SUCH a fucking moron? Did any of you graduate high school? And I mean the actual time and effort, GEDs don't count.

      Unless you're referring to the YingYang Twins, then I apologize because they're awesome.

    3. I get the whole "infiletrate them to make their site suck" concept, but it just makes the RIP people come off as bitter. It's like if Weird Al did a parody song and the original singer parodied it. It would have to be REALLY fucking epic, otherwise it just looks like sour grapes.

      I can understand being upset for having your posts shown here, but if your post isn't dumb, then who cares if it's posted? If the people who've been featured here have no issue with what they've said, I just don't see why you'd be so upset. Regardless of whether I think it's a dumb comment, a Hisstank Mod thinks so, or LolHisstank thinks so, I don't get why people are so insecure that they get bent out of shape over things like this. Are people so fragile that they can't take being made fun of on the internet? We're not new to the internet, so why is it that people are so surprised that people disagree with their opinions or formulate strong opinions about people and their posts? The internet was made for porn, bootlegging, not having to talk to family, and voicing an exaggeratedly strong opinion.


      The internet was made for porn, bootlegging, porn, not having to talk to family, porn and voicing an exaggeratedly strong opinion about porn.


      Regardless of whether I think it's a dumb comment, a Hisstank Mod thinks so, or LolHisstank thinks so, I don't get the way aprents go all ben tout of shape timmeh.

    6. Thank you for the corrections. Especially the second one :-)

    7. I really hope people get bored soon and stop reading this blog because I'm insecure like a fucking little girl and I can't stand it when people make fun of me and all you guys keep reading this blog and seeing them make fun of how stupid I am and it maeks me wanan cut myself. Why doesn't aynone liek me?

  22. Will you guys PLEASE stop spending so much time here and pay attention to MY blog? PLEASE? I know its not funny. I know I'm incapable of coming up with anything clever. I know I spent several days screaming and throwing a fit about hwo anyone who would start a blog like this has no life and then started my own. BUt please pay attention to me and liek me anyway! PLEASE! I've already been booted from twitter twice over this!

  23. Kudos! You guys are pretty funny. See RIPLOLHISSTANK is a collective, not sure who this blade buy is but he's not affiliated with us, but best of luck continuing to guess. To RuckusJr, we aren't bitter, we just like to LOL as well, only we get our lulz at the expense LOLBRA...........LOL

    1. Isn't it sad when I try to convince everyone I'm not me even while misspelling the same words I always do, words I should have learned when I was in third grade? Don't you guys liek that about me? DON'T YOU LIEK ANYTHING ABOUT ME????

    2. I love how someone, jason or jeno or or josh dahl, is now using my screen name. Never fear RIPlolhisstank...they are so scared they have resorted to using my screenname.

    3. Don't you guys liek how I say things liek keep guessing even though I'm obvious no matter what name I use but then I come up with some random list of names nobody knows to blame everything on? You liek that right? You guys? LIEK ME!

    4. Too scared to be who you really are? what a dipshit. Why don't you quit using my handle and use your own coward

    5. Pay no attention to the fact that I've used a handful of names on this blog to hide my identtiy and keep oretending that blog isn;t mine you coward!

    6. Seriously guys, quit using Blade's screen name. It's protected under the Bill of Rights.

    7. You people do realize by posting real peoples names without their permission you are commiting a serious crime?

    8. Could you please cite this federal or state statue for me? As "serious crime" I'm going to assume you mean felony. I admit I never heard of a trial over speaking some random name on the Internet.

    9. Dear "Tom",

      Did I give you permission to use my name when you post here? No, I did not. Kindly quit using it as it is not only rude but a serious crime. Seriously.


    10. Michael.









      Gotta go. Feds are here.

    11. Hands in the air, motherfuckers! Up against the wall!

    12. Its called Impersonation of individual. When one posts anothers full legal name, however it is used, they are pretending to be that said individual by using their legal given name and that is punishible by law.

    13. Way to bring the stupid to an all new level. What kind of retard can honestly think posting a name "however it is used" is pretending to be that person?

      Mike Smith is a cunt.


      And the word is punishable you twat.

    14. Hey, retard - I double dog dare you to pursue any false impersonation litigation you can. PLEASE try. I can't wait to see you out processing fees and attorney costs JUST for them to tell you that any impersonation that MIGHT have been commited did not open you up to criminal or civil liability OR that no provable harm was done to you OR benefit done to the party henceforth known as the impersonator. Your shithouse lawyer act scares NO ONE. You are a buffoon. You will be treated thusly.

    15. If anyone uses my name on this blog, i'm taking them straight to bitter claims court!

      It's going to be a class action payday on your asses!

      Blade and Sarcasmo - 1
      All you fools - 0

    16. I will be litigating...again.

  24. 3.ying-yang
    someone who talks alot. words that are just not interesting. someone who talks alot of smack...etc
    missy elliot always be talkin all that ying-yang, thought we would help you our with our reference as well : )

    1. This has nothing to do with what I was saying, but I'll pretend it does to cover up the fact that I'm an illterate fucktard. Fingers crossed this will make you guys liek me!

    2. Oh, well. I'm SURE you meant "ying-yang" when you said "ying and yang". You didn't mean to imply balance between yourself and LOLHT via the socially common term of "yin and yang", but rather that 'someone talks a lot.'

      God, you motherfuckers are as dumb as shit. You know, you can grow up in the world and just KNOW this stuff, right? You don't have to take a special class on it or anything since I'm sure the idea of 'booksmarts' scares you deeply. You are a petty, substandard intelligence and THAT is why you are made fun of.

    3. Hey now many people want to see the good folks at LOLBRA learn a new "go to" move besides insulting peoples intelligence? Man i got a good long nap while trying to get through the latest lolcommander rehash. #been there #done that

    4. I agree. They really need to start looking at the customs forum.

    5. I meant how many people before anyone jumps on that.

    6. ^^^I see what you did there :-)

  25. It is odd that many of us now believe, as a result of the way the media has ridiculed conspiracy theorists, that belief in conspiracies is the last resort of those poor fellows who just cannot seem to make it in this world. Well that includes most of us I am afraid, since most of us are in debt and work in servitude to banks, corporations and governments. If we believe that all conspiracy theorists are just trying to find a place to blame their failures by finding bizarre plots of deceit where there are none, then we ignore the plain record of history, which shows that the machinations of world politics have been driven by conspiracies all along. Assassinations, secret compacts to make war, alliances based on common and devious agendas - these are the rule and not the exception when it comes to historical record. This idea, presented by the media, that conspiracies are simply the fabrication of our over active imaginations, is just further proof that conspiracies do exist, for if they did not, then why are all the major media sources so compelled to deny them? If the media was driven by free market demand, would it not seem profitable to pander to the interest in conspiracies by trying to uncover them in the public eye, as newspapers once did? But instead, the media seems to feel the need to mock the conspiracies which so many feel are real. How is such an approach by the media consistent with a free market response to public interest? I suggest that it simply incriminates the media as a puppet of the secret societies themselves, for if the media was free to pursue profit and sensationalism, then it would have nothing to gain by discouraging interest in something which has such massive implications to the common man.
    Control of the media by secret societies and big corporations was accom- plished shortly after mass media came into existence. These "powers" did not take long to recognize that a free media was a serious threat to their secret power structure. Ever since the Jekyll Island meetings among the world’s power brokers, the media has been quietly bribed, controlled, bought and paid off, such that they are nothing more than a public relations arm of the establishment. The only thing which has changed is the sophistication of the methods which they use to control public opinion. The art of advertising has reached such a high level, that any message can be delivered to our subconscious mind, given enough repetitive force.

    1. OK, I'm convinced now. Whip out that dick and let me go to town on it. You've earned it trouble magnet. Thanks for finally lifting the veil off my head so I can see the world as it truly is. Meet me behind the Delaware Ave dollar general for a luscious game of cat and mouse.

    2. Hey, Ken! Congratulations on coming out of the closet! Unfortunately,I am filled with"STRAIGHT PRIDE" and I can not participate in your homosexual activities you sick Freemason bastard.

    3. Henry Makow would want it this way!

  26. What was this topic about

  27. are an idiot. We all know you are need to keep hiding

  28. Nah we are the collective, we are only here to LOL! Join in the fun "Jason", we will be here for a good long time to get our LULZ, while you keep trying to figure out who we are.... lol@lolhisstank

    1. Sorry that was meant to be under a different comment area RIP. You guys keep up the good defintely point out how much these lolht people are just grasping at straws.

    2. Thanks for the props, let the Lulz continue!
