Thursday, July 26, 2012






  1. That JediJones guy is one of the most vocal, and idiotic, people on HT. I've read posts from him where as indicated above, is nothing but entitled hogwash.

    I wonder if he also complains to his cable company that people who are paying more receive more channels, or if he complains to his insurance comp...oh, wait, who am I kidding. He can't afford insurance, as his money is consumed by "scalpers" selling "TEH STUFF THAT HAZBLOW WONT SELL TO REAL FANZ!", whatever that means.

    1. 內容 分類 主題 特色內容 簡單版首頁 纯文本首頁 第十世班禅额尔德尼是藏传佛教格 鲁派第十世班禅额尔德尼活佛,在 西藏宗教地位仅次于达赖喇嘛。 1949年6月3日在时任国民政府代总
      占领西宁后,十世班禅主动与中共 联系,表示拥护中央政府。1951年,十世班禅、十四世达赖 喇嘛与中央政府签订《关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》。 1959年,爆发藏区骚乱后,十世班禅选择留在西藏,接受了 中共任命的西藏自治区筹备委员会主任的职务。出于对中共 在藏区实施民主改革中产生问题的不满,十世班禅于1962年
      编写了《七万言书》,对中共的西藏政策进行了严厉的挞 伐。1964年,十世班禅被指控为“反人民、反社会主义、蓄
      班禅恢复职务,并在西藏实施了一系列涉及藏族文化、宗 教、语言、习俗的重建与改革,得到了许多藏族人的爱戴。

  2. Yeah, it gets old. I hate exclusives too, but I know what "exclusives" means and just move on. Nothing is solved by posting all that whining and complaining. He mentioned TRU exclusives being available to everyone, but there are some places in the US that don't have them. But its like talking to a brick wall. When he's not complaining he's actually a pretty funny tanker.

  3. Hisstank has sold it's soul for more page views.

    Things fall apart. The center cannot hold.

    Hisstank will be dead in a year, maybe 2.

    All of the tankers that post meaningful conversation are slowly creeping away. Or getting banned for speaking out.

    Bravo HissTank. Bravo.

  4. You know, Truth, I thought that same thing as well, but truth be told, I thought that in 2009. Hisstank has survived this long because they aren't as strict as other boards. That is also their downfall, as too many people now feel entitled to their childish commentary.

    I've seen a few boards pop up after HT, and they seem great until the trolls find their way over and bring their negativity and drama with them.

    I was going to say that I'm thinking of just sticking to Legos for a bit, but I don't want to end up on the Front Page of LOLHT for saying "ZOMG AYE AM LEEVING COLEKTEN IZ TEW MUCH SKALPERZ!"

  5. I feel like making a comment about history repeating itself. I think some of the same posts, verbatim came up last year with Zarana and the year before with Sarge. At least we get a few good LOL's out of it.

    1. Black Drama-The only LOL is having to look at your ugly face.Please use an avatar.You're making the rest of us throw up in our mouths with your non-symmetrical facial features.

    2. I'd ask you to post a picture of your balls "anonymous" but it's quite clear you have none. Go back to hiding now.

    3. Kneroh,you don't need pictures of balls,fudge packer.Your always licking your boyfriend's scrotum sack. You surely know what testes looks like. If you had balls, you'd be getting vagina like the rest of us normal folks, not deviant pedo's like you.Congratualations on joining the Jerry Sandusky fan club.

    4. Wow, you rhymed llama with drama and insulted my appearance! Do you start ragging on my mom before or after home room?

    5. Anonymous,if you're going to have the audacity to correlate homosexuality and pedophilia, at least have the lucidity to correlate homophobia and latent homosexual behavior. Also, go choke on a chicken sandwich.

    6. ShitHonker,There's no correlation between homophobia and repressed homosexuality.That's some homo's wet dream to think that all straight people have latent homo tendencies. Some heterosexuals are actually repulsed by gays but you're too dense to see that probably because you drank the media's kool-aid and think that gays are okay.Ask any homo they'll tell you-they don't even really want to get married, they cheat on each other all the time. Homosexuality is excepted now because it's the same thing as heterosexual fornication. Sex is supposed to be between one woman and one man FOR LIFE. Not "casual hook-ups" threesomes,or what ever other deviant sexual behaviour you think is okay due to your brain washing by the secualr school system, moral relativism, and the media who are owned by banks and multi-national corporations with a eugenics/depopulation agenda.Why is it that a large percentage of males brought up by single mothers end up in our prison systems? Or ask yourself this-as a child growing up wouldn't you want to live in a stable enviroment with a good mother and father? Or would you rather be the product of a divorce with no stability? Ask yourself this before you stick your small pecker inside you're "latest conquest".

    7. Did some one say chicken sandwich?

    8. You know there are lot of good books out there, plenty of them are about things that actually take place within the realm of reality. You can't find them in the nightstand at a Motel 6, but you should try reading one nonetheless anonymous.

    9. I can't help you lack critical thinking skills and you lapped up every thing they told you at public school and that community college you attended.

    10. Yeah, those hard covers really make me question the legitimacy of the content, perhaps I should shape my beliefs around things I learned from a series of pamphlets.

    11. Where's my fuckin money Jeremy?

    12. Guys the anonymous rambler is right. As an educator, I try to promote three ways at least once a week.

    13. Then why teach "sex education" to six graders? Or how to put a condom on a banana?It actually encourages pre-teens to have sex, you dope. And Sean Harker- Did you ever take the time to research who funds these text books that are used by US students? Or are you intellectualy lazy to bother? I can tell you love your servitude. You worship the government and multi-national corporations.I would actually suggest that your doing pretty well financialy-you don't want to upset the statous quo, right? As long as you're doing well,fuck every body else, right? I can tell you bought that Darwinist "survival of the fittest" crap hook, line and sinker."How lucky for rulers that men do not think"-Adolph Hitler

    14. Interesting. Where's my money?

    15. Anonymous is a pussy. Show yourself!

  6. calling circa the 7th grade.You're a real special person aren't you, "Anonymous"

    it's really a shame that there are humans as pathetic as you in the world.I'm just going to go ahead and guess your parents didn't know how to raise children correctly.

    1. They were obviously related though, so let's not be too hard on them.


    2. Hey Misfit-We'll call all the names we want. We and I do mean "we" have left HT for good. We get LOLZ out of making fun of you and the rest of the fags who run this site.Or haven't you noticed the number of people who have left HT. We have a new forum that is way better than HISS tank will ever be. If you don't know what this site is, it's because you weren't PM'd on the tank to join the new forum.We don't want people like Kneroh,Black Drama, RectumJr or the rest of your filth near our site.That's why you wern't invited because we have a "no assholes" allowed policy.If you were paying any kind of attention,people are leaving that site in droves. Have fun making snarky comments to SoM. Jedi jones and the rest we are so out of there.....

    3. It sounds like a very loose no a-holes policy.

    4. I doubt any of the people who left Hisstank would be missed.

      Can I give you a list of more people to take with you?

    5. Anonymous, are you talking about that ogLOL site? The one filled with all the trolls from hisstank and other sites? I just checked and it looks like 200+ people are logged in to hisstank, whereas only 30 are on yours.

      Not trying to defend hisstank in any way, shape or form, but if you're going to talk shit, at least use facts.

      I've visited a few boards and that ogLOL place is no better than the whining118th or the loserdrome. Want a page people will actually visit? Try removing 75% of your ogLOL roster (since you have a no assholes policy and all).

    6. This new forum has chosen quite the ambassador for their Asshole Free Zone.

    7. As long as Misfit and King Cobra don't post at that other site, that's all that matters.We don't want YOUR kind at our site.I'd rather have 30 cool like-minded people there than 200 assholes like you, Starfuck, Knerole,Misfit, RectumJr,Black Drama and the like. What you don't understand is YOU ARE THE JERKS THAT RUINED THE HISSTANK FORUMS WITH YOUR SNIDE SARCASTIC COMMENTS! Your constant belittling of people like SoM, King Bio-Hazard, Steelgrave etc is distasteful."Mature" posters would have ignored their "whining" posts about Hasbro/Exclusives/Con Sets/Scalpers or whatever and found a thread more to their liking or god forbid start a new thread. Nope, you "morally superior" douches instead make fun of these people there and on this troll site,because you're evil unhappy bastards who enjoy making fun of other people. Yet you claim the "moral high ground" by making fun of said people as if you're doing JoeFandom "a service" by screen-capturing their comments and creating stupid blogs or making nasty comments on their threads. At least those people that you despise are supporting the brand with their money. I wonder if you misanthropes spend any money on Joe at all or do you just like to be misanthropic assholes for your own vain amusement.Misfit, people like you and LOL aren't doing a damn thing to help save the brand by belittling people and potentenially driving people away from the brand.G.I.Joe needs all the help it can get to survive, you fuckers ain't doing a mother fucking thing to help the brand except to sow the seeds of discord.Fuck all of you pricks.

    8. It's amazing how mad someone can get over the internet. I bet if we keep at it, we'll give him an aneurysm in less than 3 more days.

    9. I weep for America,because you're not an aberration.It's filled with people like you.Men with no moral integrity. Assholes through and through.

    10. That new forum is great. It's all troublemagnet and the voices in his head.

    11. I just want to apologize for not living in a world that's so devoid of actual human interaction that I'd get into a debate on who has the best internet GI Joe fansite. Based on your comments though anonymous it seems like you're not doing very well in that battle. Best of luck and enjoy your time there.

    12. Tell me more about what we can do for the brand, guy who rips off Dollar General on the price of $6 figures.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. I know what you guys can do for the brand:
      1.Purchase on of those Retaliation Cobra Troopers.
      2.Discard Figure
      3.Go to the top of the tallest building in your redneck town.
      4.Grasp backpack in your hand, and ensure rigging is untangled.
      5.Jump off.

    15. - redneck town -

      You mean like Buffalo? Living in the lap of luxury in a dump on Minnesota Ave? Or a dump on Grove St? You're the poster boy for white trash Jeremy.

    16. "We don't want your kind there." Well, that's obvious. Anyone with have a brain that can't be treated like a sheep isn't welcome in your clan destine circle jerks and you somehow think that I would be offended by that? LOL! Doesn't that OGLOL site have steel as part of it now?

      Maybe, anonymous, you should do an internet search on your lil buddy. See how he's been shunned like the rest of your buddies from the community. Guys like you whom run to another site with "like minded individuals" do the rest of us a favor.

      "We're leaving the Tank!" Are you? That's GREAT! Maybe I'll start posting there again without having to hear about how Exclusives are the downfall of society and your amazingly horrible custom deserves to be front paged if not for any reason other than you managed to color in the lines for once in your miserable life.

      Let's not forget though, Hama endorsed your little circle jerk, so it must be legit. Oh, wait, you don't like sarcasm. *sniffle*

  7. So do we still need to wait around for August 1st? It sure takes a long time for you Anonymous guys to get something done.

    1. Not only are you a dickhead,you're impatient too.

    2. Ephesians 5:11
      And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them

    3. I wouldn't quote the bible if my life depended on it....nice try though.

    4. That's an example of psedopigraphy for you bible scholars playing at home.

  8. *looks at calendar* *waits for mediocre anonymous trolling*

    I think the lolbra should supply pizza and sodas while we wait for this blogs ruination. Perhaps I'm tempting fate but the anonymous-super-best-friends threats will make Y2K seem like a big deal.

    1. I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to be waiting on the top of the Mount of Olives wearing a white robe. But if nothing happens by 12:01 CST, I will riot

    2. I bet Anonymous is busy making the Kool Aid for us all to drink.

  9. I hope LOLSTRO tweets naked pictures of Trouble Magnet's mom in sheer defiance tomorrow.

  10. Troublemagnet has left hisstank for good, but he still logs in every day. He's so fucking pathetic.

    1. We're all embarassed by him. We used to tell him he's crazy for the insane things he used to post on Facebook. Had we knows his sickness was being spread to other sites, we would have added those sites to his blocked list in the asylum.

    2. He never actually leaves, not even a year after you ban him.


    3. You people have scared the little pussy off facebook.

  11. 00:07 it is now Aug 1st and I don't see anyone being named yet.

  12. Then I will begin the naming of names!!!!

    Cross Country is reall Robert M Blais!

    Chuckles is Phillip Provost!

    Breaker = Alvin R Kirby!

    Doc is Carl M Greer!

    and Flash is Anthony S Gambello!

    If the GI Joe team does give into my demands I will continue to release their real names putting their families and friends in grave danger! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED GI JOE!

  13. Oh My God. It's almost like you have a file of some sorts. Or multiple files. Your organizational skills must be frightening to behold.

  14. This site still exists? What happened to August 1st? Was the LOLalypse not scheduled for this year? Did the Mayans get it wrong?

  15. I too came for the end of days. Did I miss the 5 o'clock free crack giveaway?

    Apparently neither the Mayans, nor the trolls, read calendars correctly.

  16. Hey gentlemen, why are you all waiting for august 1st ?

    Nothing is going to happen Aug 1st unless LOLBRA continues to LOLblog A F T E R that date.(go back and read the post please !)
    So now we are nice, but don't hold us to it....we can be nice....or we can not.

    See how nice I was.....Didn't even mention anyone's names or insult them, is that how it's gonna be then ?


    1. For the gentlemen that may not have read this entirely......

      "LOL blog all you like until August 1 2012 and we will not post here at all(can't guarantee no one will that is not part of our group) anymore.
      If any LOLBRA blogging continues after Aug 1 2012 then we are going to hit this place so hard the BLOG ADMINs will shut you down, we won't stop til this place dies.

      Up to you.

      As of this post you will not here from us anymore BUT if anything gets blogged after Aug 1st then we bend this place til it breaks.
      Names will be named and absolutely nothing will be held back so if you don't like your name on here then let your LOLBRA buddies know how you feel."

      Take care guys, peace !

  17. It is now August 2nd. Your failures at life must be reaching epic proportions if you can't even keep your internet threats in order.

    PS - Everyone here is at least somewhat bright enough to realize that "Anonymous" is just a bunch of ass hats from OG13 (which breaks down to obese gimps). We use our names, Nerdsgetchicks, why don't you?

  18. My name is common knowledge. Google it. I am sure this is one of the many Gary Godsoe dicksucks. On a side note. I would like to say a hearty fuck you to Destro, CIAD, Shin and pretty much the rest of the gang over at HT. I think that it is really sad that you could only muster up enough creative talent to create a blog site. WOW! I am impressed. LOLZ! Not sure how such a smart guy like yourself got that idea? Who knows. Maybe I will get to see you at a convention one year. Wouldn't that be fun? I just hope it is one that recognizes my concealed carry permit my friend. Lolz that.

    1. I would love to see you be too much of a pussy to do anything at a convention, but we all know you can't afford to go.

    2. You gotta be a real bitch to feel like you need a gun at a toy convention.

    3. I love to be you see be duh!!!! Nice response tool!

      LMAO!! Oh I love the internet!! Hey Hisstank is down!!! Gotta clear all that drama up with a fresh reboot!

    4. Oh, I think it's retarded. How sad for it.
