Thursday, August 2, 2012







  1. I wonder if he used the money he saved to buy something for lunch at Chick-Fil-A?

    1. Dick-Fil-A.

      WTF, Kneroh, how did you not think of this ?

    2. That is what he thought when he saw vanhammer picture !

    3. It was hammer time in a towel I bet !

    4. Shoot the screen !

      Aw, how do you get cum outta your keyboard ?

    5. How do you get cum out of your teeth ????????????????

    6. mouth wash, and besides you silly ig homos, you are suppose to swallow..

      what's ig really stand for anyway, i'm gay?


    7. Gay? Never seen that before! Good one! Very clever!


  2. Alright comments section, rather than racism, and homophobia, how about if we discuss Japanese literature instead? Who is you favorite Murakami? Ryu or Haruki?

    1. if by Murakami you mean favorite Street Fighter character Id say Blanka

    2. You ever see Japanese porn ?
      Those guy have no dick what so ever.
      I mean I'm only 6 inches but jesus christ imagine if your cock was as big as an o-ring figure with no head & arms [sorry black llama won't find this funny] go ahead and compare !

    3. ^^^ this guy watches Japanese porn and is fixated on the dicks. Who's gay now?

    4. there is only one true jap porn, and that is skat porn..

      i will shit in all your mouths...

  3. What's wrong with Chick-Fil-A? Why does freedom of speech only work one way? I accuse Kenroh of heterophobia. He is intolerent of any opinion that he doesn't agree with.

    1. Go fuck yourself, Impostorfit. :)

      I really need to upload that avatar ....

    2. Aw, it doesn't know what freedom of speech means. They're so cute when they're stupid.

    3. Telling you to go fuck yourself was an astute expression of his freedom of speech. If you're going be a dickhead at least try harder. Right now you're at about 4th grade bully, a few more gay jokes and retarded comments and you'll be all the way up to middle school asshole!

      And just think, if you keep it up, eventually your online persona will match the one you have in real life, a jaded loser that can't even properly troll on an internet forum! Won't that be a proud day :D

    4. I'm fine with anyone that chooses to exercise their right to eat at a Chic-Fil-A or any other establishment. Just because I choose not to does not mean someone else should not be allowed to. That's just a silly though.

      If I was to speak against CFA it's only to educate the consumer, what they do with that information or how it effects them is their choice. Oh, and hi!

    5. Poor badly trolling Anonymous...did mommy allow you special internet access today for this?

    6. And really T-magz for someone that bashes the media as often as you do, you sure buy into their talking points fast.

    7. Yeah, I was talking about the fake Misfit, Mr. Llama. I think that's who the fuck yourself was directed at, too.

    8. I got that this Anonymous was replying to Misfake. Misfit didn't mention free speech at all. All the Anonymous and using names of others is starting to get confusing though. It might be time to do something about that.


    9. ah, I see that now too.

      apologies to that particular "Anonymous"

      I'll try not to have so much Scotch for lunch in the future.

    10. It's nothing. I just wanted to make clear who I was calling stupid.

    11. Anonymous is a pussy.

    12. Hmmm...

      I thought Anonymous was going to SHUT THIS PLACE DOWN WITH GREAT ANGER AND SWIFT ACTION!

      But then I realized today is August 2nd. Since welfare checks go out on the 1st and 15th, the "anonymous" must be coming down off their bath salts high that my tax dollars paid for.

      You're welcome, btw, Anonymous. Can I start calling you FICA-Viper?

    13. KiNg+CoBrA,I'm sure your 8.50 an hour tax rate pays so much into the welfare dole.How do you know when the welfare checks come out? Did your crack whore sister try to trade 50 cents on the dollar to you with her food stamps?

    14. LOL, Anonymous, is that the best you can do? Just to throw a little salt in your wound, I paid eBay prices for my Exclusives and paid $15 for each DG figure. As for when the welfare checks come out, well, it's common knowledge. Thats when bottom feeders like yourself are never around - the 1st and the 15th. I'm sure the only reason you knew about the DG joes was while you were there shopping for your family. Well, I use the word "family" lightly, as I'm not sure we can call your Mom's meth addicted boyfriend a Dad, your whore of a girlfriend a wife and your neighbors seed as "your kid."

      Please, tell me more about my $8.50/hr pay rate. I'm sitting at the Mercedes dealership waiting for my oil change, so I could use a good laugh. Nerdgetsdicks, you're hysterical!

    15. So I guess we aren't discussing South of the Border, West of the Sun then?

    16. -=KiNg+CoBrA=-pics or it didn't happen. Since when doees monetary income equate to quality of character? I don't care if you're a millionare you're going to shuffle off this mortal coil and you can't take your stupid exclusives with you. LOL

    17. I believe you were the one that was throwing out my rate of pay; or are you just too dimwitted to scroll up a few posts to see the stupidity that you posted? Face it - you're nothing and you'll never be anything. You cling to the internet because it's the only place where you can find friends, because face it, the outside world is just too tough for you. I feel as though I'm being an internet bully, but I think we both agree that I'm just stating facts that you're already all too familiar with.

    18. I achieved immortality several centuries ago using Jesus's foreskin and a small piece of the true shroud

    19. Oh yeah? I once made a self contained underwater breathing apparatus using a straw, duct tape and the tears of whiny fanboys.

    20. It would depend on what -=KiNg+CoBrA=-'s definition of "never being anything".What is =KiNg+CoBrA=-'s definition of "anything"? Explain whether this is a univeral truth or open to subjective interpretation of a number of alternate analysis of variance of vektors that would seek the juxstaposition of certain unquantifiable trinomials in respect that in lieu of certain outside diameters of alternative paradigms as it relates to a cohesive whole. Does it follow standard multilinear form ? If not, I would suggest that you need psycho surgery to rid your self of your metaphorical baracle-ridden psyche.

    21. Professor Trouble-MagnetAugust 3, 2012 at 2:12 PM

      Ah, a slight typographical error. I do believe the term is "barNacle-ridden"

    22. Whoa whoa whoa. there is quite a bit of jargon in that text. I think we all want to know what the meaning of "is" is?

    23. And here I though the typographical error was "vektors"

    24. Don't forget juxtaposition, without the "s" after the "x".

    25. Question for Kneroh, black llama, Zarana & Misfit....Oooops I mean LOLBRA.

      How many times have you guys fapped to the pic of Vanhammer he posted today ?

      Right up alley huh guys ?

      Zarana can't fap so, squirt ?

    26. #!King*#&$^%cobra*&#($ whatever your name is you post to long responses, don't have time to read all that your not even funny just say same thing over 20 times.
      Can you just keep it to 3 sentences at the most please, don't have time to read all your repeated sentences again and again and again and again.
      Like your stubip name, get all the nonsense out of it you will give people that Pokemon panic thing wear you get all bugged out.

    27. Its called shlicking. Squirting is something different entirely. You should really go to the public library and do some research about these things.

      Also, how can I be in lolbra? I just found out about this blog like two weeks ago. Besides if I ran it don't you think it would update more than twice a month?

    28. Wow, is that the best you idiots from OG13 can do? What does that even stand for, Obese Gimps with an IQ of 13, or the maturity of a 13 year old? Oh, wait, I'm using big words now. Wouldn't want you all to hurt yourself trying to read my "long posts."

      Why don't you all go back to your mediocre site where every troll has a name. At least there we know who you all are. Here, we STILL know who you all are yet you hide behind a name that you probably couldn't even spell if it weren't posted for you.

    29. -=KiNg+CoBrA-another in a long line of cowards that can talk shit, but can't fight there way out of a wet paperbag.I have no doubt troublemagnet and a few other ex- military service members could lay you out in 10 seconds flat.

    30. I have no doubt troublemagnet is a pathetic bitch who doesn't pay his debts.

    31. LMAO, threats coming from someone using "brock lesner" as their name. At least most of us use our screen names.

      I was reading below where one of you OG morons wrote "All the good people left the tank." I lurked there today and noticed that all the trolls left. So THANK YOU, OG13! You managed to scrape all the shit off the hisstank in one foul swoop.

      I also read that your real gripe is with fran. I don't know him personally, so I could give a shit less, but wouldn't you be better served telling him that you have a problem with him? Oh, wait, that would be the manly thing to do.

      Why don't you go back to circle jerking each other while you beg for Dollar General toys.

    32. I'm two years removed from my four years of active duty in the Marine Corps, and some idiot conspiracy freak is the furthest thing from scary I can imagine.

    33. Anonymous,four years of KP duty and latrine orderly are hardly intimidating.If you're so bad ass why aren't you still in the service? Or did you scam the taxpayers of our great country mooching off a G.I. bill you'll end up not using for you "emeducation".And please don't go to the VA hospital for your PSTD. Kill your self instead.

    34. If he's not intimidating, why are you afraid of posting under your own screen name?

    35. They're coming for your families! Fema camps AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Lolhisstank is full of shape-shifting reptilians.Could it be that LOL is a false-flag operation? Is Kenroh a disinformation agent secretly working for Hisstank? Could troublemagnet be an agent provocateur? Lolhisstank is a conspiracy! Inquiring minds want to know!

    36. Of course lolhisstank is a conspiracy! You'll all know the truth when Jeremy Scott Rose's programming is activated and he carries out his mission!

    37. Jeremy Rose's mission is to kill Kenroh, King Cobra and Black Llama with extreme prejudice. He will not fail

    38. Oh Troubies. If it was your mission to go out and kill everyone who does not agree with your theories all that would be left in the world is you and Hank Makow. They're words on the internet. Take it down a notch. You're not doing a very good job of proving to the world you're not the psycho everyone claims you to be.

      Guys at the OG13, keep fueling this guys rage. You're supporting the next Aurora shooter or Sikh Temple killer. This is the society we live in and it's because of attitudes like his.

      Murdering someone for something they said on a fucking gi joe website. You're beyond fucking ridiculous.

    39. If I post something,I'll either use the google account or sign it troublemagnet.Rest assured, I'm not interested in killing anybody, including you.Sorry, if I think the Aurora/Sikh shootings were done by "black ops"/ CIA agents that's my perogative.I really don't care what your beliefs are. Beleiving in conspiracies doesn't make someone "crazy". The media subtly put that idea in your heads over the years.Also, whoever is using my real name and personal information and posting it here-just stop. I don't look up your FB accounts or do Zaba searches and post info on you people, so kindly quit.

    40. Perhaps you should considering signing up over at OG13, Jeremy. The site is CHOCK FULL of individuals such as yourself. You'll have a great time there! Tell'em Darkwise sent you!

    41. shit fil a sucks.. what a waste of good ol' chicken..

      hisstank aint even funny anymore since unclassified's ass got banned.

      now that site sucks.. and there is nothing else left to even lol at. just a boring ass site about toys.

    42. og13 is a great site, it's chock full of comedy.. while hisstank is chock full of bull shit and estrogen.. og13 got testosterone...

      and dark wise would dislocate your jaw with one swing, i put money on that. so don't talk shit, girly guy..

    43. darkwise is a little cunt. He'd be lucky to hold his own with a high school freshman.

    44. There's still plenty of shit to laugh at on hisstank, and banning that idiot unclassified made it a better site.

  4. Ahhh, it's the simple fact that fucks were actually given this day that confused me.

    1. FUCKS should never be given! I surly never give a fuck. I find people unworthy of them.

    2. Hey don't they make fun of you here ?
      What's wrong with you man ????????????
      Are you just gonna lose your spine and support this place ???????

      Wtf, maybe you are as retarded as they say you are.
      You are a little monkey on a leash that eats his own poo to them.

    3. No I don't support this place. I don't give a shit what these people think and I care less about what you think. I'll post where ever I feel like and I will also talk and do what I want. No one controls me and no one tells me what to do. You don't like that good I'll let you know when I care.

  5. So when does this blog get taken down again?

    1. Perhaps they meant August 1st, 2013. According to some of Wednesday's posts, there was a bit of confusion. Admittedly I didn't read their wah-nifesto very closely.

    2. Well either that or the cadre of anonymous internet warriors is actually the GI Joe Collectors Club. Those guys are never on time either.

      See you trolla!

    3. Al Capone's vault, anyone?

    4. Maybe we can ask

    5. Kudos to the LOL team for withstanding this unprecedented attack on their blog.

    6. That's it! I'm telling DESTRO THE HISSTANK MOD on all of you guys! And Homeland Security, too!

    7. Who wants to get gay with me ?
      I want bum sex, unprotected, painful, bleeding buttsex with the rolling pin BlackRama uses to pick his nose.
      Maybe Missedfit is up to the challenge ?
      Will a fist fit up a man bum if thoroughly lubed ?

    8. damn, i have to shave my ass, it's getting way out of control.

  6. Hey does anyone know, can you use blood as a lubricant ?

  7. Hey this is LOLcumander I can't sign in technical error of sorts but just wanted to say that we made Lolhisstank cause they took our kiddy porn sites away so this is the next best thing.

    Just want to be open and honest from now on.


    1. Thanks for the update Kneroh !

  8. Lots of big talk and all we get is an extra side of redneck gay bashing.


    1. Well, Kneroh LOL dick-sucking crew, maybe if you wern't such douchbag homo-hasbro apologists in the first place you would get treated with respect. Most everybody knows that you have a real ax to grind with Fran and I don't know why you don't just settle your differnces with Fran like a man instead of this bullshit blog.Gunslingercbr just give it up. Nobody on Hisstank can hardly tolerate Kneroh for his immature and infantile games he would play while he was with the IGs.BlackDrama is a stupid troll and no we don't care what your idiot son looks like, he ain't that charming.All the good people have left the "tank", now it's mostly whiners and tools like Kneroh, Black Llama, RuckusJr. and a few other assholes who are too pussyish to put there real name when posting their illogical hatred.

    2. this is some of the best fiction I've read in awhile.

    3. Misfit, how does Black Llama's ass taste?

    4. ooooohhhh

      can't you do any better than that?

    5. I dont spells any good. Srry bout dat.

    6. For a guy names Hetero Hank you sure spend a lot of time thinking about my ass.

    7. It's funny to watch this little bitch call others whiners at the end of his whining rant. Speaking of too pussyish, I guess Hetero Hank is his real name, right?

  9. Mr. Hank, is that your father? Can I call you Hetro? No? OK Hetro, in a game of clue you can't just name everyone it could be, you really need to narrow down your suspects some more. I have the candle stick, conservatory, and Col. Mustard.

  10. Sorry guys the gay taunts are pretty meaningless. I am gay. Saying I like to suck dick is the same as me heckling you for enjoying a nice round ass and a perfectly shaped set of tits. The "lolz" have been pretty slow moving so you have plenty of time to brainstorm some trolling that might be a tad more effective. I believe in you!

    Until then though...

  11. OG13 for life!Also nice work people of WOJM.

  12. Obese Gimps for life! Come check out our horrible customs and join are threads looking for free stuff from people whom we claim we don't like! Yeah! two faced douche nozzles FTW!

  13. -=KiNg+CoBrA=- We would love to see Kneroh knock you out, then fuck u up the ass inside the octagon with no lube.

    1. You sure you want to admit being into gay porn? It doesn't seem like your friends will be very accepting.

    2. You know, for a bunch of homophobes, you ObeseGimps13 guys sure do talk A LOT about homosexual sexual acts. Who knew that your website was really just a large closet, full of self hating gay wanna be customizers?

    3. -=LiMp+CoBrA=- I love your profile on the tank. had 1 buddy!!!! Youz iz so popular! LOLZ... What's the matter? Can't get accepted on any toy threads? Ahhhhh...Poor wittle fella...

    4. No, my buddies are actually real people, not those that will accept me on the internet because they've never had the chance to experience what a total waste of life I am in person, like you and your ObeseGimp friends.

      Any reason why you're still hiding behind "anonymous"? For a bunch of tough guys, you really are quite the bunch of pussies. But I'm sure this is the part where you'll say "I SERVED MUH COUNTRY!" and demand that someone get ass raped, right?

      Fucking losers.

      LOL OG13


  14. -=KiNg+CoBrA=-your horrible customs are a travesty to us.

    1. Hey, at least more than 12 people will see my customs.

      LOL OG13


    2. They are pretty bad -=SmAlL+CoBrA=- Just saying. Don't quit you gay job!

    3. You're obsessed with all things gay. Tell me, do you and Steel send cock pics to each other? You know, because it's "funny."

    4. nobody has a obsession with you, so stop. you may be all things gay, but you're not that important. us men find lil girly guys like you humorous, that's why there are no jokes about straight ppl, just gays.. remember you are in a man's world, we are just nice enough to let your queer ass live in it, and let you have your rights. it's the humane thing to do, even though the world is against it, we just feel bad for you.

    5. Just so I understand...the "guy" making all the gay commentary labels himself a Queen.

      Wow, you OG people really are dumb. I know it's not polite to make fun of retards, but you guys definitely make it a worthwhile experience.

  15. OOOOO...Me...Last word! You are such a tool -=TiNy+CoBrA=- LOLZ! You make me giggle!!

    1. "TINY COBRA"? "SMALL COBRA"? "LIMP COBRA"? Step your game up please.


    2. I'm sure he would like to, Commander, but in order to have game you have to have the intelligence of at least a gnat. Look who we're talking about here. These "men" can't figure out how to even post their own user IDs, let alone step up their game.


    3. P.S. - It's August 10th. What ever happened to "The great downfall of lolht" that was scheduled for the 1st? I'm a bit disappointed, as I bought a nice suit for the event and everything. :(

  16. And yet you're still posting under an anonymous name. LOL you pathetic waste of life. Shouldn't you be on OG13 ranting & raving about another shitty custom?
